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Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously. We do not sell, share, rent or exchange your information with anyone else. When we do collect data, we will use it to benefit you and to make your experiences better.

Last modified: 01-03-2022

Formtree+ (“Formtree+”, “we”, “our”, “us”) understands that privacy is essential to the users of our products (“Users”, “you”). This policy describes the steps we take to maintain your privacy when you visit this website and use our Google add-ons (“Services”). By using our Services, you agree to the collection and use of information according to this policy.

Who are we

We are Formtreeplus and we're located at Hooglede, Belgium. We operate this website and the Google add-ons listed on this website. This also makes us the controller of your data.

What data we process

The data we process from our products is done separately from the data for analytical purposes on our website. We do not combine this data, with the notable exception of a paid plan, because we need this information to unlock paid features in the application.


Our website analyzes your events by using Wix Analytics. We have a commercial interest in using general surfing behaviour and related data to analyse and improve our service where necessary.

The following is the specific information that we can see. Important to note is that this information does not uniquely identify you whatsoever.

  • Rough geographical location, accurate on country or city level.

  • How you reached our website (Google search, directly, ...)
  • Device type (desktop/mobile).

  • When you visited our website, which pages you visited


We use “cookies” to collect information about you and your activity across our site. A cookie is a small piece of data that our website stores on your computer, and accesses each time you visit, so we can understand how you use our site. This helps us serve you content based on preferences you have specified.


Our Formtree+ add-on is only collecting limited information on the application performance itself. In this information we cannot uniquely identify you whatsoever. The following is the specific information that we can see.

  • The amount of times the application was installed.

  • The occurrence rate of errors, enabling us to improve the service.


All other information required to run the application is not shared outside of your Google Users’ Account. Our services do not collect, maintain or use personally identifiable information outside of your Google account. We do not have access to the content of any of your google drive files (sheet, form, …) used by our application or generated by our application.

Add-on authorization scopes

Our add-on requires that Users give permission to access some of your personal data. Our add-on has been examined by us and by Google to meet Google’s guidelines, including guidelines for safeguarding user data, before they are publicly available. 


  • In order for our add-ons to function, they require access to your Google Drive, Sheets and other services in your Google domain (“Personal Data”).

  • Our add-ons only interact with the Personal Data that you consent and approve.

  • Our add-ons do not transmit Personal Data to Formtree+.


The first time an add-on is run, you will be prompted to authorise one or more permissions. Below are the permissions required by our add-on and a description how they are used. In all below permissions, our add-ons will only interact with documents that you direct them to. No files will be opened or modified without your consent.

  • Our add-on uses this permission to create and manage files and folders in your drive. 

  • When you build a form, our app will only create and manage a Folder (“Workfolder”), a Form and a spreadsheet containing the loggings from your form. No other files are being accessed.

  • This permission is used to display interactive content in the Formtree+ template sheet, in which you are currently working.

  • Our add-on also uses this permission to create and maintain a spreadsheet in the Workfolder, which is linked to the google form that was created by our add-on. This spreadsheet will contain the loggings coming from the respective form.

  • This permission is used to read and write to forms in your Google drive. The content you add in the Formtree+ spreadsheet  template will be converted to a google form. This google form can be created by the add-on, or you can link and re-use an existing form.

  • Our add-ons interact with external API’s which are used to enhance the features and user-experience of the add-on. As stated above, no Personal Data is exchanged.

  • Our add-on sidebar and modal windows contain some html web-content (images, text, videos, buttons, etc..) which help to improve the user experience. We only display content which is required for a smooth interaction with our add-on. 

As a reminder, you can always review and manage all the access you have authorised in your Google Account.

Our legal basis for processing

We will process any of your personal information lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. We collect and process information about you only where we have legal bases for doing so. These legal bases depend on the services you use and how you use them, meaning we collect and use your information only where:

  • it’s necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract (for example, when we provide a service you request from us);

  • it satisfies a legitimate interest (which is not overridden by your data protection interests), such as for research and development, to market and promote our services, and to protect our legal rights and interests;

  • you give us consent to do so for a specific purpose; or

  • we need to process your data to comply with a legal obligation.


When you consent to our use of information about you for a specific purpose, you have the right to change your mind at any time (but this will not affect any processing that has already taken place).


We don’t keep personal information for longer than is necessary. While we retain this information, we will protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. That said, we advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure and cannot guarantee absolute data security. If necessary, we may retain your personal information for our compliance with a legal obligation or in order to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

What rights do you have with regards to this data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has given you a number of rights with regard to personal data that is processed by us.

  • ACCESS - You can request to view your data at any time.

  • CORRECT - If you want to have your data adjusted, corrected, supplemented, protected or erased, you can submit a request hereto. You can also correct certain data in your personal account.

  • OBJECT - You can object to the processing of your data.

  • DATA TRANSFER - If you want to transfer your data to another provider, we will provide your data in a structured and commonly used form that can be accessed by common digital systems.

  • AUTOMATED PROCESSING - You may always inform us of your view on an automated decision and have this decision reconsidered by a third person.

  • WITHDRAWAL - When we process data based on your explicit consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. This may have consequences for the services we are able to provide.

Please send a request including a copy of your ID to if you want to exercise any of the above mentioned rights. We will assess your request as soon as possible. If we cannot comply with your request, we will let you know why we reject your request.

Who receives your data

We will not provide your data to third parties, unless this is necessary for business operations or is required by law. We try to use as few external services as possible. Currently we are using Google (for the add-on) and Wix (this website). Your data can be passed on to processors and parties involved in the execution of the agreement. We conclude processing agreements with these third parties to optimally protect your privacy. Your data will always remain yours. We will never sell your data to third parties.

Business transfer

If we or our assets are acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, we would include data among the assets transferred to any parties who acquire us. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any parties who acquire us may continue to use your personal information according to this policy. In such an event, we will send you a notification through mail or through the add-on user interface.

Limits of our privacy policy

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact

Changes to this privacy policy

At our discretion, we may change our privacy policy to reflect current acceptable practices. We will take reasonable steps to let users know about changes via our website and/or products. Your continued use of this site and our products after any changes to this policy will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information.


If we make a significant change to this privacy policy, for example changing a lawful basis on which we process your personal information, we will ask you to re-consent to the amended privacy policy.


Upon making changes, we will always update the “last modified” date found at the top of this page.

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